Our Fees

Often, you do not know whether you have any entitlement or sufficient information to support your position. We would happily arrange to meet with you to conduct a preliminary review.

If the matter is to progress, we will send you a letter of engagement that sets out the fee structure and our terms and conditions.

Depending upon the nature of the engagement, we can discuss a fee based on a fixed fee, a fee based on hourly rates, daily rates or even, where the work does not involve expert witness engagements in court or arbitration, we would be willing to consider a proportion of the fee on a percentage of recovery basis. 


1. Can the fees be recoverable from the other party?

In formal Arbitration or Litigation, it is possible to recover some of the fees if the claim is successful. However, it is rare to recover all the fees incurred, even with a successful outcome.

In other ADR dispute resolution processes, it is generally expected that each party will bear their own costs and jointly share the expenses of the independent third party, such as an adjudicator, mediator, or conciliator.

2. When are fees payable?

Our standard terms stipulate that fees are due monthly or upon completion of services, whichever comes first. Occasionally, we may request an initial small deposit, which will be deducted from the first invoice. Please note, all fees are subject to VAT.

3. Who do we contact?

For any inquiries, please call our office 01 906 6438 or email info@acua.ie 

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.